Register a location

It’s easy to register your property and also free.

Simply complete the form below with details of your property. If you have images of the property then it would be great to see those also. You can send them via and enter the ‘friends email’ as In the message please put your name and first line of your address, so we can match it up with your message. Once we’ve received these one of the team will be in touch to discuss further.

Films, TV dramas, adverts and editorial shoots always need locations for their stories. We are always being asked for locations of all descriptions. Whether your property is unique or in fact very ordinary, whether residential or commercial, it could easily be the next star of the show!

By the way, our frequently asked questions may be helpful.

Location address
Location address
Your details
My address
Please select representation
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

© 2022 

We comply with the GDPR and any data held by us is held on the following basis provided in the GDP: Consent, Contract, Legal Obligation, Vital interests, Public task or legitimate interest and is only such data - typically name, email, phone number and address - necessary for us to contact you and payment details if we pay money to you. If you have any issues or would like to read our data protection policy or object to us holding your data and would like us to delete it please email